• At Goodwill, we are a one-stop solution for your power transmission needs. We not only manufacture timing pulleys, but also timing belts that are perfectly matched to them. Ko ta tatou whitiki wahanga ka tae mai i roto i nga momo whakaahua niho penei i te MXL, XL, H, T5, T20, T20, At20, at3, at3m, S3M, S14m, P5m me P14m. When selecting a timing belt, it is important to consider the material that is suitable for the intended application. Ko nga whitiki o te ra e hangaia ana e te polyoplastic, he tino pai, he kaha te turaki o te pāmahana, ka whakahē i nga painga o te Whakapono hinu. What's more, they also feature steel wire or aramid cords for added strength.