• Goodwill offers European and American standard pulleys, as well as matching bushings and keyless locking devices. They are manufactured to high standards to ensure a perfect fit to the pulleys and provide reliable power transmission. In addition, Goodwill offers custom pulleys including cast iron, steel, stamped pulleys and idler pulleys. Kei a maatau nga kaha hangahanga ritenga ki te hanga i nga otinga a-papa-hanga-hanga i runga i nga whakaritenga motuhake me nga taiao tono. Hei whakatutuki i nga matea rereke o nga kaihoko, hei taapiri i te peita electrophoretic, te paura, me te paura ma te peita i te peita mata penei i te peita, te raima kromo. These surface treatments can provide additional corrosion resistance and aesthetics to the pulley.